What North West staff are really thinking about their employers

What do workers really think about their workplace?What do workers really think about their workplace?
What do workers really think about their workplace?
'‹Less than half of Lancashire employees believe the portrayed public image of the company they work for matches the actual experience of working there.

The figure of 46 per cent is compared to 49 per cent on a national level, new research by YouGov on behalf of leading HR and payroll solutions provider MHR reveals.

The findings from the survey of 1,174 UK employees are revealed in a new research white paper by MHR entitled Company Culture: Don’t Just Throw Money at The Issue, which explores the real experience of UK employees and their true thoughts about their employers.

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The research shows that employees in the North West are generally happy with the culture at their workplace, with 79 per cent (compared to 70 per cent nationally) agreeing their company’s ethos is well communicated to staff.

Sixty one per cent say they would feel comfortable speaking to their manager if they felt the company wasn’t delivering on its aims.

However, the comments from respondents tell the real story, with poor cultures leaving staff angry, disengaged and un-motivated in their roles.

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