Readers give their verdict on parking charge hike

Readers didn't hold back with their views about the hike. Stock image.Readers didn't hold back with their views about the hike. Stock image.
Readers didn't hold back with their views about the hike. Stock image.
Our story that Blackpool Council was increasing parking charges in the resort was met by almost blanket condemnation.


In the Talbot Road multi-storey car park, which allows motorists to collect a coin-chip on their way in and pay on their way out by cash or card, fees will increase from £2.70 for up to two hours to £3.

It will rise from £3.70 to £4.50 for up to four hours, and from £7 to £7.50 for up to six hours.

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Fees for eight, 12, 18, 24, and 96 hours will remain the same, though 48 hour parking will increase from £15 to £16 while 72 hour parking will rise from £17 to £18.

The same prices will apply at several other car parks too, including Central, Bonny Street, Chapel Street, East Topping Street, and West Street, while increases are planned for numerous other off-street car parks, including Lytham Road, Bolton Street, and Seasiders Way.

On street car parking in the town centre will also rise, from 50p to 60p for 20 minutes, 70p to 80p for 40, £1 to £1.20 for an hour, and £2 to £2.50 for 90 minutes.

Council chiefs say the rise will help pay for 22 new machines that can accept debit and credit card payments.


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Coun Mark Smith said: “Money that comes in from parking is not a profit, but is reinvested in council services like parking and transport, with our parking income being on a par with what is collected in other popular seaside resorts across the country.

“The money for these new machines has to come from somewhere, and if that is not from slightly raised tariffs, then it would have to come somewhere within the council budget and from services that people value.

“Our experience show people’s parking preferences actually revolve around convenience, something which these new machines will help improve to make our car parks ready for future.”


The increase in parking charges won’t affect me. The existing parking charges already keep me away (and so many others), therefore I spend my money elsewhere.

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Ultimately the council has a responsibility to all those with a vested interest in attracting more visitors. No doubt in a year’s time the council with give themselves a good pat on the back when they boast how much they’ve made via the increase, yet don’t appreciate the damage it does on the economy as a whole.

Four four three one

I drive from Poulton to Blackpool for a haircut every four weeks. The nearest car park is Topping Street currently £2.70. This is going up to £3 and I’m there for about 30-40 minutes. £3 on top of the price of the haircut or I can stay in Poulton, find another hairdresser and park for free in Booths for hours. Not exactly encouraging potential customers to pop into town and use local business. You should be giving an hour free to encourage custom not turn potential customers away.


There are pros and cons to this.

On the downside, it will encourage visitors to look for free on-street parking in residential areas making life even more miserable for those who live here. On the plus-side, it may deter some of the lowest common denominator from visiting although I doubt that, they will still arrive in their masses for their £1 burgers.

In my opinion, the biggest proportion of blame for the trash that visit here are the B&B owners with their seedy, run-down houses that are stuck in a 1970s time warp.

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Start razing them to the ground, build some new modern hotels and you will start to attract a better class of person who is more than willing to pay a premium to park

Peoples poet

As not to hurt shoppers and trade, the council should have kept the up to two hours the same or reduced it. The tariffs set above two hours I feel are justified and are in line with other places you visit. Disability tariffs should also apply after three hours of parking.

Born in Blackpool

Blackpool town centre businesses have already suffered massively from the dramatic drop in footfall over the last few years and the last thing they need is a council with absolutely no understanding or care for the long term future of the retail and business economy . Not only will an increase in parking charges keep visitors away - more importantly it keeps the people of Blackpool away and forces them to shop elsewhere . The council should be incentivising the people of Blackpool to shop locally, to spend money in their own town centre - not drive them away to spend the money where it doesn’t benifit the local economy.

worried about Blackpool

I think I am correct in saying that several years ago Brighton voted in the Greens into their local council and being anti cars they massively increased the cost of parking and as a consequence visitors abandoned Brighton and instead visited other south coast seaside resorts

Brutal Truth

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On a general point, I’m perpetually amazed that it’s still legal for councils or other bodies anywhere to be able to charge for parking without making sure they can provide change. Provision for debit/credit cards will certainly help - but surely funding for this should have come out of charges already levied rather making us pay extra for it now?

Curt Devereux

Hail the out of town shopping centres (where you can park for as long as you like for free). Long may they reign. If I was a business owner in the town I would be raising merry hell for a reduction in business rates for the anti business antics of this council. They want both your cake and to eat it.


It’s the old saying when they have more money they want more and more


Welcome to Blackpool: The home of false economics.


Could you imagine if Tesco or Morrisons charged their customers to park so that they could spend money in their stores?

50 years local

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Blackpool Council, they never let us down with their useless, thoughtless decisions and utter mismanagement of the town.


The council can dream on. Manchester increased car parking to huge amounts - result, we stopped going. Trafford Centre is free, it’s the obvious answer.

Dave Fox

Don’t the council want people to visit? Absolutely crazy! And what about people who have to drive in for work and have no option but to use the car parks?

Welsh lady

Use your vote wisely at the next local election, you vote these people in


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This will just encourage more and more visitors to drive around the back streets of Blackpool trying to find a free parking space - clogging up the streets and depriving residents of anywhere to park.


A massive own-goal for the council. They’ll reap what they sow in due course, which will be dwindling numbers visiting the resort. Mindless.


That’s it, I’ll do my shopping for clothes etc in Preston from now on; better menswear shops anyway.
