Groups can bid for grant aid

County Coun Jennifer MeinCounty Coun Jennifer Mein
County Coun Jennifer Mein
Grants totalling £1.32m are being made available to voluntary, community and faith groups by Lancashire County Council.

The Central Gateway Grants programme has opened for applications for the 2016-2018 scheme with £683,000 available for this year (2016/17) and £638,000 for next year (2017/18).

The deadline for applications is 5pm on April 1.

Jennifer Mein, leader of the county council, said: “We’re calling on organisations across Lancashire to apply for funding. We want to work closely with partner organisations to develop new ways of providing services for local people.

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“The county council recognises and values the contribution that these organisations make to public services and wellbeing in the county.”

Go to and search for ‘voluntary community and faith sector grants’, contact 01772 530 818 or email [email protected].