Women driven to suicide bid by revenge porn

Blackpool magistrates courtBlackpool magistrates court
Blackpool magistrates court
A woman became suicidal when she realised pornographic videos of herself and her former boy friend were being shared on social media.

It was boyfriend-25-year old Lewis Bromby- who was behind the “Revenge Porn” Blackpool Magistrates were told.

Bromby of Shaw Road, South Shore, admitted disclosing private sexual photographs and film without the woman’s consent.

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He also admitted theft of his victim’s mobile phone and assaulting her.

Magistrates went him for sentence at Preston Crown Court.

He was bailed to appear at the higher court on January 24.

Sarah Perkins, prosecuting, said Bromby and the woman had a four year relationship during which time he made pornographic videos together.

When the couple split up Bromby became jealous when he knew she was out with other men.

The prosecutor said that Bromby confronted her in Blackpool town centre and stole her mobile phone and banged her head against a wall.

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A couple of days later she found out that he had sent the films of them together having sex to her sister and to the man she had been with in Blackpool.

The films were made when she and Bromby were partners.

The prosecutor said: “This has been a nightmare for her.She had tried to overdose and has had to have counselling.”