These are the latest cases and convictions from Blackpool's Magistrates' Court - Tuesday, June 5, 2019

Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court
Here is the latest round-up of cases from Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

Lee Davy, 24, drink driving

A barman was found to be over the alcohol limit after drinking rum following a 12-hour work shift.

Lee Davy, aged 24, of Edenvale Avenue, Bispham, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol.

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Blackpool Magistrates' CourtBlackpool Magistrates' Court
Blackpool Magistrates' Court

He was banned from the road for 12 months, fined £140 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said on May 13 at 1am police on Warbreck Hill Road near the Gynn Square roundabout saw Davy driving a Mercedes at speed.

He indicated to go left but when he saw the police turned right inside. The police patrol followed and stopped him on Queen Promenade.

A breath test showed 46 microgrammes of alcohol in his body - 35 is the limit.

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David Charnley, defending, said his client, who was nervous about his court appearance and very remorseful for the offence, had had a low reading of alcohol in his system.

The day of the offence he had been working as a barman at an event. It was a 12 hour shift and he finished about midnight.

Davy had not had a lunch break and not eaten all day. After work he drank two rum and cokes.

Grant Burgess, 22, assault and criminal damage

A Poulton man has denied being a loan shark.

Grant Burgess,22, of Rington Avenue, Poulton, appeared before Blackpool Magistrates who remanded him on bail pending his trial at Lancaster Magistrates Court on August 7.

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Burgess pleaded not guilty to assaulting a woman and criminal damage to another woman’s mobile phone on May 8 this year.

John Robinson, prosecuting, said the case allegedly centred on a loan given to one of the women and which had not been fully repaid.

Jake Cockell, 21, criminal damage

A man caused almost £1,500 worth of damage when he kicked out at a car following a disagreement with his former partner.

Jake Cockell, aged 21, of Ward Street, South Shore, pleaded guilty to causing damage.

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He was ordered to pay £1,498 compensation by Blackpool magistrates who imposed no other penalty.

Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said on June 14 about 2am a witness heard shouting and swearing outside .

She looked out to see Cockell shouting and appearing to encourage a friend to fight.

There was then a loud bang when Cockell kicked the back door of a Honda Civic denting the door and smashing the window.

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When interviewed Cockell said he had disagreed with his ex over a holiday. He was angry and upset and friends tried to calm him down.

He was given a caution by police on the condition he paid compensation for the damage but he did not pay.

Suzanne Mugford, defending, said at the time of the offence her client had described himself as not in a very good place and added that the only thing he had wanted to do that day was harm himself.He had spilt up with his girlfriend, had no stable address and was not working. He and his partner had now reunited and were living together.

Liam Thomas, 19, shoplifting

A 19-year-old Lytham man has denied six shoplifting offences. Liam Thomas of Dock Road denied the offences when he appeared before Blackpool Magistrates. The charges relate to

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B&M Bargains in Thornton Cleveleys and Sainsbury’s in Blackpool.

Magistrates adjourned proceedings against Thomas so that trial dates can be fixed.

Barry Duffy, 32, criminal damage

A defendant said he was unable to make his first appearance at court because he had had surgery on his ankle.

Barry Duffy, aged 32, of Sunny Bank, Kirkham, is accused of damaging a fence post and a car windscreen in Blackpool on May 17.

He was bailed to June 11 by Blackpool magistrates.

Woman, 34, drunk in charge of child

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Blackpool police had to take emergency child care action after they found a three year old child in the resort with a drunken woman.

Officers tried to find another member of the family to look after the youngster and when they did that woman was drunk too.

The woman admitted being drunk in charge of a child when she appeared before Blackpool Magistrates who fined her £60 and ordered her to pay £70 costs. Steven Townley, defending, said that police found her in charge of the youngster at 10pm near Coral Island.