Takeaway boss jailed for sex attack on teen

Hazeen MajeedHazeen Majeed
Hazeen Majeed
The manager of a takeaway in Blackpool who sexually assaulted a 19 year old woman after she enquired about a job has been jailed.

Hazeen Majeed, 41, of Dickson Road, Blackpool, was today sentenced to 16 months imprisonment after he had earlier pleaded guilty to sexual assault at Preston Crown Court.

The offence took place on August 25, 2015, when the victim went into a takeaway on Dickson Road to enquire about possible employment. Majeed then invited her behind the counter to show her around the takeaway and sexually assaulted her.

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DC Kate Buckingham of Blackpool CID said: “Majeed subjected his victim to an appalling sexual assault.

“He took advantage of her after she had gone into the takeaway to enquire about a job and I am pleased that he has now been sentenced for his actions.

“The victim was very brave in coming forward to report what happened to her and I hope the conclusion of this case at court can allow her to move forward with her life.

“We would urge anyone who is the victim of a sexual offence to report it to us safe in the knowledge that they will be treated sensitively and professionally throughout.”

Majeed was also given a 10 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order at today’s hearing.