Court date set for Fylde Greenpeace protesters

Greenpeace protesters visited the Preston New Road siteGreenpeace protesters visited the Preston New Road site
Greenpeace protesters visited the Preston New Road site
Ten Greenpeace campaigners are to face trial on November 1 after appearing at Blackpool Magistrates' Court.

They pleaded not guilty to obstruction of the highway, following a lock-on protest at Preston New Road fracking site on May 3. They argue their actions were reasonable.The campaigners, many from areas facing fracking, linked their arms inside reinforced yellow blocks featuring the Lancashire rose, and positioned themselves across the entrance to the site. They intended to stop trucks entering, to slow preparatory work.The five women and five men, aged between 30 and 60, are from Lancashire, Yorkshire, Merseyside, Norfolk, Berkshire and London.Hannah Martin, head of energy at Greenpeace UK, said: “We are right behind these dedicated volunteers who acted responsibly to voice their opposition to fracking.”Continued protests involving environmental groups have been taking place at the site in Preston New Road where Cuadrilla is constructing a drilling rig.