Blackpool sex pest was not at correct address

Blackpool magistrates courtBlackpool magistrates court
Blackpool magistrates court
A convicted paedophile who went to ground was apprehended when police issued a warrant at an address against a man they arrested on suspicious of having indecent pictures of children.
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Derek Morris had only been released from prison 10 days previously when police discovered he was living at a different address from the one he had said he was at.

Morris, 57, of Bond Street, South Shore, pleaded guilty to failing to comply with a condition of a Sex Offenders’ Registration Order (SORO) by failing to notify his new address to police within three days.

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He was fined £180 with £85 costs and ordered to pay £30 victims’ surcharge by Blackpool magistrates.

Magistrate Mark Cottriall told him: “Failure to notify your address is a serious offence. We have taken it into account it is your first breach of the order.”

The court was told that in 2004 Morris had been imprisoned for sexual offences against children and put on a SORO indefinitely.

On December 22 last year Morris was released from jail after serving time for intimidating a witness. He registered with police that he was living at an address on Dickson Road.

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Prosecutor, Pam Smith, said police executed a warrant at an address in Bond Street on January 2 and arrested a man there on suspicion of possessing indecent pictures of children.

Morris told an officer that he was living at the address, not at Dickson Road, and he was arrested.