Blackpool dad viciously assaulted while trying to stop attack on a mum in front of her children

Sessions HouseSessions House
Sessions House
A Good Samaritan who stepped in to try and stop a mum being assaulted in front of her baby and toddler was left with fractures and facial injuries when her attacker turned on him.

The victim suffered a fractured cheekbone, suspected fractured ribs, lost a front tooth and had other painful injuries including cuts to the back of his head and tongue after Daniel Hague, 27, of Peter Street, Blackpool, turned on him.

He has been jailed for 30 months after admitting causing actual bodily harm on July 12 last year at an address near the Promenade.

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Prosecuting at Sessions House Court, Paul Cummings said: "The victim was at home watching television with his wife. He could hear shouting sounds coming from outside.

Sessions HouseSessions House
Sessions House

"He looked out of his window and could see a man and woman shouting at each other. There was a woman with a pushchair with a baby in it, and a toddler standing next to the pushchair.

" Words could heard to the effect of the man shouting: 'You've been shagging my best friend.'

"The victim could see the male was acting aggressively and pointing his fists towards the female with the pram, and the children were crying.

"The victim decided to go outside to see if he could help.

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"He went over to them and asked them to calm down and said the noise was waking his children."

The court heard the man swore at him and the woman told him to go back inside or the man would beat him up.

The victim and his wife headed back to their flat to call police but Hague then attacked the mum.

When the dad turned and asked him to calm down he jumped over a wall towards him and punched him.

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The victim pushed him away, causing him to fall down some steps.

Hague than continued to attack him until he was unconscious.

Mr Cummings said: "This was a sustained, persistent attack and there were children present."