County needs more 'tech towns' says BIBAs sponsor

Mark Oulson-JenkinsMark Oulson-Jenkins
Mark Oulson-Jenkins
A Lancashire business leader has urged the county to aim to create even more 'tech towns'.

Mark Oulson-Jenkins, creative director at RTR TV, said it was fantastic that Burnley was among the top locations for technology firms setting up in business.

However, it was the only location in the North which featured on the Tech Nation 2018 list of the top 16 smaller tech towns in the United Kingdom.

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RTR TV is the sponsor of the Creative Business of the Year award category at the Be Inspired Business Awards, the BIBAs, which will send its judges to meet finalists next month as part of its second round of judging.

Mr Oulson-Jenkins said: “As a business which is based in Burnley, RTR TV has seen what has happened to embrace the digital economy in the town and I want to see even more of it in Lancashire.

“When I look at the fantastic universities we have, I see huge potential which is being recognised in our cities and this needs to ripple out to the smaller surrounding towns.

“There is some great work taking place and we all need to be pushing to go even further to realise the potential which Lancashire has to offer.”

BIBAs Judges are now on the road to interview finalists at their premises.