Clowns went for a Mini adventure at the Lights

Barry Jinks and Lynne Miller of the Oldham Mini ClubBarry Jinks and Lynne Miller of the Oldham Mini Club
Barry Jinks and Lynne Miller of the Oldham Mini Club
A gang of not-so scary clowns took to Blackpool's streets in a convoy of colourful cars.

Members of the Oldham Mini Club dressed up in curly wigs and bright red noses as they drove down Blackpool Promenade on Sunday, to the amusement – and horror – of local residents.

Club chairman Ian Fitzpatrick said: “We do the convoy every year. We’ve dressed up as minions and smurfs and nuns, and this year it was clowns.”

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The clown-themed mini ride came amid nationwide panic over so-called ‘killer clowns’ spooking innocent passers-by on streets across the UK.

Oldham Mini Club on Blackpool Prom 2016Oldham Mini Club on Blackpool Prom 2016
Oldham Mini Club on Blackpool Prom 2016

But Ian said that the theme and timing of the mini convoy was nothing more than a coincidence, and that the majority of people enjoyed the event.

Ian said: “We had it planned for about six weeks that we were going to dress up as clowns – it just so happened that it cameat the same time as the scary clowns.

“We did talk to the police beforehand to see whether it would be OK.

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“It went really well on the night. We had a few people that looked a bit alarmed, but for every one of them there must have been four or five who were smiling.

Oldham Mini Club on Blackpool Prom 2016Oldham Mini Club on Blackpool Prom 2016
Oldham Mini Club on Blackpool Prom 2016

“It was very well received considering all the headlines lately. It was a good night.

“The Blackpool crowd always appreciates us when we drive through.

“We’ll be back next year - maybe dressed as pirates!”