Lancashire nostalgia in 1988: Hurricane K, darts boozers and pub sex shocker

Damage to a house in Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston, where a tree was uprooted in the stormDamage to a house in Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston, where a tree was uprooted in the storm
Damage to a house in Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston, where a tree was uprooted in the storm | jpimedia
Here's a look at some of the stories that were making the headlines back in 1988:

Hurricane K spells chaos in Lancashire

Hurricane K left a trail of tragedy and destruction across Britain, with at least seven people dead and scores injured.

The North West took a savage battering, with one man killed in a blizzard crash and thousands of buildings damaged.

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A luxury house was destroyed by fire after a gas heater exploded during a power cut at the height of the storms.

Damage to the home in Weeton Road, Singleton, near Preston, was put at £100,000.

The gales fanned the flames and three fire crews battled for an hour to control the blaze.

A house in Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston, was damaged as a horse chestnut tree crashed through the roof and damaged a bedroom window and front door.

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The storms brought chaos to roads in South Ribble as police fought to free highways of debris.

The gable end of a wall fell down in King Street, Lostock Hall and blocked the road for several hours.

In Longton, a tree crashed down on the Liverpool Road near the police station. The road was closed for two hours until it could be removed.

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Look back at a selection of pictures from 1988 here

Stars start late to beat beer ban

The world’s top darts players will delay the start of the big international at Preston... so fans can get the ale in!

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Magistrates have forbidden the Guild Hall bars to open an hour before first arrows in the England/Wales match.

So Eric Bristow and co. will wait at the oche until 1,700 thirsty supporters have stocked up with beer.

“They’ve certainly got their priorities right,” joked house manager Alan Baker.

Two years ago the same fans almost drank the place dry, setting a Guild Hall record by downing an incredible 7,000 pints in six hours.

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This weekend the bars will be stocked to the rafters to cope with an even bigger attack of dartoholism.

“These lads like their ale - it’s all part of the sport,” explained Alan.

Pub fined in sex show shocker

Audiences took part in sex shows at a Preston pub, a court was told. Customers joined male and female strippers in the steamy goings-on at the Jolly Roger, on Watery Lane.

Preston magistrates were told that shocked plain clothes officers witnessed stimulated sex acts at the popular pub run by landlord James Dunn.

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Mr John Beggs, prosecuting, described how officers paid £2 on a Sunday lunchtime for tickets for a show advertising exotic dancers.

One woman called Sasha, dressed in only a blue leotard, invited members of the audience to help her take her clothes off and then carried out several indecent acts.

Landlord Dunn, 39, pleaded guilty to two charges under a 65-year-old by-law of putting on indecent shows in a public place.